Exposição Prolongada à Ficção Científica  

   um blog de Luís Filipe Silva

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02 Março 2007

UMA DECISÃO QUE ADORARIA SEGUIR (e que de certa forma espelha uma mudança de vida de há 2 anos...) mas francamente acordar às 6 da manhã para escrever, as palavras sairiam todas apatrabalhadargh...

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01 Março 2007

MAIS PURISTA DO QUE ISTO? Lablit autodistancia-se da Ficção Científica do seguinte modo:

«Lab lit is not synonymous with science fiction, although of course there can some overlap. Science fiction is removed from reality by definition and will have an element of fantasy – it will be set in the future, say, or in an alternative universe. No matter how realistically crafted these fantasy scientists and their world are, or how closely they parallel actual science culture, it will not be a scene that you and I could easily encounter were we to walk into a research institute, field station or any other place where scientists are doing what they do. Science fiction has and will continue to give us true-to-life portrayals of scientists in many cases, but the genre itself is a different beast.

Carl Djerassi, the author of several novels with realistic scientist haracters, prefers the term science-in-fiction, but I have found this label too easily confused with science fiction. Also, Djerassi’s own definition of science-in-fiction makes it clear that the genre he has in mind is intended primarily to educate the layperson, and so is crafted with a rather heavy agenda.»

E ainda assim, a lista de livros recomendados, o que contém? Vão lá ver... (na TV esqueceram-se do Dr. House, a série mais cientificamente orientada, no-bullshit-taken, dos tempos actuais).

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Ficção Científica e Fantasia em Português