Exposição Prolongada à Ficção Científica  

   um blog de Luís Filipe Silva

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17 Abril 2012

Revista Internacional procura artigos sobre cinema e FC no mundo. Transcrevo o pedido tal qual recebido, sem tradução, uma vez que os artigos deverão seguir em inglês.

Science Fiction Film and Television is seeking articles for a special issue in on world sf cinema and television.

Although excluding the US from discussions of world cinema and television creates a problematic opposition(ality), we are seeking critical work on sf from other national/transnational, and especially non-Anglophone, contexts, both historical and contemporary.

We are particularly, but not exclusively, interested in work which introduces and/or offers fresh insights into specific national cinemas/televisions, or which reconceptualises sf by relativising US/First Cinema variants as culturally-specific approaches rather than generic norms, or which addresses the following:

  • globalisation
  • transnationalism
  • imperialism, neo-imperialism, post-imperialism
  • colonialism, decolonisation, neo-colonialism, post-colonialism
  • sf from the Third World/Developing World/Global South
  • indigenous, Fourth World and Fourth Cinema sf
  • the subaltern
  • nationhood, national identity, regional identity
  • race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality
  • global networks, informational black holes
  • borders, borderlands
  • homelands, migrations, diasporas
  • national, international or transnational contexts of production, distribution or consumption
  • specific production cycles

Submissions should be made via our website at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/lup-sfftv.

Any queries should be directed to the editors, Mark Bould (mark.bould AT gmail.com) and Sherryl Vint (sherryl.vint AT gmail.com).

The deadline for submission to this special issue is September 1 2013.

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12 Abril 2012

Uma Passagem A Correr para dar nota que aceitei o amável convite do blogue «A Casa do Alfaiate» para ser bloguer convidado do mês, colaborando com um texto sobre escrita de género e respectivas oportunidades. Vão e fiquem por lá para descobrir a riqueza de textos de uma veterana do DN Jovem, esse espaço de tertúlia que tanto contribuiu para a actual geração de autores portugueses.

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06 Abril 2012

The Fact Is we're all just a bunch of ink-sniffers.

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Ficção Científica e Fantasia em Português